Saturday, August 18, 2012

Technical difficulties in Peruvian Casa de Emily and Claire

So, uh, it's totally possible that the old Air has finally and definitively kicked it. It froze when I came back from dinner and it's symptoms suggest catastrophic hard drive failure. Huh. Weird timing. At least it's towards the end of the trip and not the beginning, and at least I got some pictures up first, no? Anyway the blogger mobile app isn't terrible, we'll just be picture-free until we return to NY. Honestly, we probably would have been anyway, depending on what the wifi is like at the Lima hotel...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I wonder if the humidity had an effect? However, I think SSDs are still pretty resistant to that sort of failure.

  3. It may just be age. It's also possible that the cable connecting the HD to everything else has jostled loose, but I haven't found any implements with which to MacGyver it open. God bless redundant systems, as in, my iPhone...

  4. Really we're probably too sleepy for another post tonight; I'll work on one on the plane to Lima tomorrow. We spent too much time at a restaurant with an enclosed balcony over the plaza de armas, eating alpaca and listening to the peculiar combination of aarching band outside and a traditional folk music band inside and drinking pisco sours...

  5. that's too bad as I have really been enjoying the blogging. But you are almost done, so that's fine.
    Cool that you finally got to eat alpaca (when in Rome... etc...) - how about guinea pigs????
