Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Bonus picture-spam: Maras, Moray, and Ollantaytamba

Quality internet has led to both the ability to download Chrome as well as civilized upload speeds, so I'm catching us up a little bit with photos from yesterday.  Macchu Picchu will have to wait, however, as I haven't looked at them yet.  Anyway this is basically photo-spam to add some pictures to the stories...

Salineras at Maras.  This picture lacks the real panoramic view  and kind of fails to demonstrate how many salt pans there are (...it goes on forever), but it gives you the idea at least.
Mis-named amphitheaters, used for agricultural experimentation.
The stairs are stones inlaid in the walls.  They feel a bit treacherous, even though they're not.  Also, stairs are an unexpectedly critical component of this adventure.

Guinea pigs, called cuy, in a traditional Inca-style home in Ollantaytambo.  No, we haven't eaten any (yet?).   Yes, they were very cute.  Note shown: the totally blase dog.

Ruins at Ollantaytambo, from below.

A frankly embarrassing proportion of my photographs are of Raul ahead of us, booking it up the stairs.

Raul in action.  The primary portion of the sun temple is constructed without mortar, and you can't even fit a piece of paper between the stones.
Part of the Ollantaytamba ruins, the terraces in particular, and a portion of the town itself, viewed from above (basically turning 90 degrees left from the photo of Raul above).

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