Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Lima day.

Lima is unexpectedly delightful.  I will show you with pictures!
This is a large Party Causa, which is a traditional peruvian dish involving cold mashed potatoes layered with..lots of other stuff:
This is us with our vegetarian causa, which coincidentally is the one that's shown in the Lonely Planet guidebook.  The manager suggested the picture.  I doubt we were the first tourists ever to strike this pose, but whatever, we look hot:
We went for a random meander after lunch to try to work off the potato-based food coma, and stumbled upon a dog-themed street market.  There was a dog sweater stall, a dog bootie stall, a dog grooming stall, etc, etc.  Also many people flying kites. Also parks with wifi. Also elipticals and other exercise machines installed in the middle of playgrounds.  But foremost, a dog-themed street market:
WARNING!  The following photos are explicit, though not *nearly* as explicit as the VAST majority of the pottery in the exhibit in question.  I'M JUST ILLUSTRATING FOR YOUR KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND APPRECIATION, FOLKS.  Warning issued, I give you penis-themed pots:
 And an anthropomorphized penis holding his nose.  The best part is, there was a whole case of them.
Before dinner, per the suggestion of our cab driver leaving the museo de larco, we headed to the Parque de la Reserva to check out their numerous fountains (it's called something like "the magical water route" or something in Spanish, I don't have the map in front of me) and the nightly light-and-music show.  This is going to sound a little strange, but it was truly remarkable.  I mean, we've seen a lot of really remarkable things over the course of our Peru trip, remarkable animals, remarkable scenery, remarkable man-made citadels...but this whole park really lived up to the rest.  We were giddy and stupid with delight after the show.  I'm serious.  This is me in a tunnel of water:
This is another set of pools and light of which I was fond (there were about 20 of them, so I just picked one randomly off my camera, and no, Adam, I didn't subject your camera to the water, these are with the point-and-shoot. :-P):
And the show...I took video, but it's frankly easier to link to someone else's, so here's someone else's youtube of part of the show (the video is 4 minutes, the show is about 30).  It captures at least part of the coolness:
Finally, we succeeded in our quest for ceviche:
 I ate the octopus, but with some trepidation:
It was delicious.


  1. I don't eat things with tentacles..... Did Emily try it?

  2. No, she didn't. I ate both of our pieces. It was less intimidating once one ate the particularly tentacly bit at the end. It was tasty - marinated in really good olive oil.

  3. also - why are the mashed potatoes green?

    1. Emily says: "spinach", and I believe her. Also because they're pretty.
