Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 2: They're fairies; they could have moved it!

Hello all!

Well, I didn't sleep much last night. Somehow, despite exhaustion, the jet lag still got me and I tossed and turned until late. But still, we got up early and we headed out of Dublin and across the country to Cong. It took 3 hours, and google maps was very little help, but thanks to a map, we did get here!

It's beautiful here, and we've had a very long day! We got in around lunch time, and had a lovely lunch in a strange little cafe that was playing country music! Then we headed out hiking. We saw the ruins of an old monastery, and then an absolutely beautiful castle! The castle was amazing- like everything every little girl has ever dreamed of, and there were also beautiful gardens, a wonderful lake, and a school of falconry. Yes, really- a school of falconry. We followed a falcon lesson around for a bit; it was very cool! We spent quite a while at the castle (it was so worth it). Then we tried to walk back to the hostel, but we got a bit turned around and walked the really long way. After we rested up a bit, we went and saw some ancient stone circles, which were in the middle of a cow grazing field. In order to get to this well-marked tourist attraction, you had to walk into the stone walls and past the cows! Cows are very, very big.

Then we tried to find a giant, old tomb...but the directions were hazy, so we just ended up wandering the woods for a bit. Next, we went to visit a cave. I find caves creepy, but Claire loves them, and we got cool pictures! Finally, we went searching for a fairy "grotto", which I maintain that we never found, but Claire thinks we did (I think we found another cave). I think the fairies must have moved their home just to confuse the tourists ;-).

On the way back to town we discussed European politics on a bridge with a jolly fisherman. He was very friendly and fun to talk to. We then went for dinner in a pub, where we had a rather unsolicited and LONG conversation with a drunk old irishman, who was definitely hitting on Claire! At that same pub, I had my very first Guinness, and I witnessed an old man order multiple bacardis and slip (very stealthily) his own diet coke from a bottle into his pocket into it. It was very funny! I had a lovely dinner of seafood chowder and bread, and now, it is late and we are back at the hostel.

A very good day overall! Hopefully I will sleep well tonight (keep your fingers crossed), and we'll have a great day tomorrow too!


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