Sunday, June 27, 2010

Bonus Picture Blog Post: Old Monastery Hostel Edition

Edit: somehow I posted this while signed in as Emily and I don't know how to fix it. --Claire

We've mentioned more than once the epic awesomeness of our current hostel. I thought I'd bonus-update the blog tonight with a little picture tour! This is the Old Monastery Hostel:
(note the broken-down piano to the left of the main entrance).

A little grim, yes, though the little tent to the right is actually the path you take when you first walk up, and it is full of win:

(all of the chairs are labeled).

I don't have any photos of the puppy, sadly, though Emily does. Instead, I give you kittens:
This is the view from our room, down the front hallway:
Our room actually has two sets of bunk beds, though we have it all to ourselves; this is one set, the other is to the left:
Next to the bed is a fireplace full of seashells, over which there is a mirror:
(there are many books, all over the place.)

To the right of our room is another set of rooms, plus the stairway downstairs to the breakfast room:
I don't have a photo of the breakfast room, but as the building is set on a hill, the breakfast room has large windows overlooking the backyard, and you can hear the creek in the back. The puppy came up to the window as we were eating this morning and stuck her head in.

To the left of our room is the hall past the sitting room/kitchen, to the bathroom and some other dorms:
I am writing this post from the sitting room; there is a fireplace and some couches, and a large wooden table, from which this photo is taken:
And the bathroom! The bathroom! The bathroom is the best part. Everyone shares the one, though I think there's an extra downstairs. I've never used it, because who can resist this:

Just inside:
There's a fireplace burning a peat fire right next to that bookcase, in front of the couch. Imagine classical Gaelic music playing, since it is. To the right, the showers and the toilets:
So you want to shower, you go to the purple door on the left, for example (the blue doors work too, and they're all the same). You open it, and (I warn you it looks grody in the picture, but it's just stone, and it's clean):
...and then, you look up:Yeah, exactly. It's amazing.

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