Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 1: Dublin (Emily)

Alright, unlike Claire, I am not verbose when exhausted, so this will be brief. We almost missed out connecting flight in Zurich, but we didn't, and even our luggage made it (we had packed all carry-ons, but who knew the weight limit was 8kilos)! Getting to the hostel was a little bit more adventurous than I think Claire or I would have preferred (not the good kind of adventure), but we did eventually get here, and then there was time to clean ourselves up, revel in the fact that we had internet, and get some lunch. We had a lovely lunch at a sandwich shop, and then we started to wander. There was lots of wandering, but eventually, we ended up at Trinity College, where we took a tour and saw the Books of Kells (which, as the tour guide would like you all to know, is actually a manuscript and not really a book). The tour guide had a very endearing accent, and was quite funny! The Book of Kells was definitely made cooler by the tour guide's very comprehensie introduction to it. Then we went and saw a nice castle and all sorts of things in Christ Church cathedral. We started to wander back to the hostel (we had gone a long way!), and we stopped for fish and chips for dinner.

Dublin's a great city; very cute, and everything's in walking distance! That being said, I am super excited to head out into the middle of nowhere tomorrow (you guys know how I love the middle of nowhere)! I think my highlight of today was the tour at Trinity College. BUT...we are EXHAUSTED (neither one of us really slept more than 3 hours last night), so we are looking forward to sleep. On a sad note, we are mourning the loss of our first dog ever, who we will miss more than he would ever know.

We'll try to keep you posted. Sorry I don't have more to say- too tired!


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